
Utilisation : une fois le plugin installé, tapez :

Ceci est une note, rappelez-vous en !

<note importante>
Attention au chien quand vous ouvrez la porte !

En français, vous pouvez utiliser les types de notes «importante», «tuyau», «bloquante» pour changer la couleur et l'icone de la note.


A simple box:

<box> the box contents </box>

Some more complex boxes

<box 80% round orange|a title> the box contents</box>
<box 50% left blue>the box contents</box|a caption>

The full syntax:

<box width classes | title text> contents text </box>

if no classes are specified the default styles will be used, that is square corners in a colour scheme based on the default Dokuwiki colour scheme.

The opening <box … > including the title must all appear on one line. The box contents can appear over as many lines as are needed.

See the plugin in action here. The sample page shows all the styles available with the plugin.